Computer Shortcut Keys PDF: Basic Shortcuts A to Z, For MS Word, Excel

Computer Shortcut Keys PDF: Productivity and efficiency are highly valued in today’s fast-paced digital world. Using Computer shortcut keys is an effective way to streamline your computer usage and work more efficiently. These key combinations provide quick access to various functions and eliminate the need for excessive mouse movements and menu navigation.

Computer shortcut keys, formed by simultaneously pressing two or more keys on a keyboard, facilitate the swift execution of specific tasks or functions. Employing these shortcuts enables users to operate computer systems with enhanced speed and efficiency, ultimately saving time and effort. These shortcut keys find widespread application in operating systems, software applications, and web browsers, allowing users to execute diverse actions without relying on mouse clicks or menu navigation.

Basic Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z:

The following are the basic computer keyboard shortcut keys from A to Z:

Computer Shortcut Keys from A to H: 

The following are the computer shortcut keys from A to H:

Computer Shortcut Keys Use of Computer Shortcut Keys
Alt + F4. Close the current window or application.
Alt + Tab. Switch between open applications or windows.
Ctrl + A. Select all items or text in a document or window.
Ctrl + B. Bold the selected text.
Ctrl + C. Copy the selected item or text.
Ctrl + D. Bookmark the current page in a web browser.
Ctrl + E. Move the cursor to the search or address bar in a web browser.
Ctrl + F. Open the “Find” dialog box to search for text in a document or web page.
Ctrl + F4. Close the current tab in a web browser or document in some applications.
Ctrl + F5. Refresh the current web page, bypassing the cache.
Ctrl + G. Go to a specific page or line number in a document.
Ctrl + Shift + G. Open the “Find and Replace” dialog box in a document.
Ctrl + H. Open the browsing history in a web browser.
Computer Shortcut Keys from I to Z:

The following are the computer shortcut keys from I to Z:`

Ctrl + I. Italicize the selected text.
Ctrl + J. Open the downloads folder or download history in a web browser.
Ctrl + K. Insert a hyperlink in a document or web page.
Ctrl + L. Highlight the address or search bar in a web browser.
Ctrl + M. Indent the selected text in a paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + M. Decrease the indent of the selected text or paragraph.
Ctrl + N. Open a new window or document.
Ctrl + Shift + N. Open a new incognito/private browsing window in a web browser.
Ctrl + O. Open a file or document.
Ctrl + P. Print the current document or page.
Ctrl + Q. Quit or close the current application.
Ctrl + R. Refresh the current page or document.
Ctrl + Shift + R. Refresh the current page, bypassing the cache.
Ctrl + S. Save the current document or file.
Ctrl + T. Open a new tab in a web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + T. Reopen the last closed tab in a web browser.
Ctrl + U. Underline the selected text.
Ctrl + V. Paste the copied item or text.
Ctrl + W. Close the current tab in a web browser or document in some applications.
Ctrl + X. Cut the selected item or text.
Ctrl + Y. Redo the last undone action.
Ctrl + Z. Undo the last action.

MS Word Computer Shortcut Keys List:

Computer Shortcut Keys List for Basic Text Editing:
Ctrl + C. Copy selected text or objects.
Ctrl + X. Cut selected text or objects.
Ctrl + V. Paste copied or cut text or objects.
Ctrl + Z. Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Y. Redo the last undone action.
Ctrl + A. Select all text or objects.
Ctrl + B. Bold selected text.
Ctrl + I. Italicize selected text.
Ctrl + U. Underline selected text.
Ctrl + S. Save the current document.
Ctrl + P. Print the current document.
Computer Shortcut Keys List for Formatting:
Ctrl + N. Create a new document.
Ctrl + O. Open an existing document.
Ctrl + W. Close the current document.
Ctrl + F. Open the find dialog box to search for text.
Ctrl + H. Open the “Find and Replace” dialog box.
Ctrl + K. Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl + L. Left-align selected text or objects.
Ctrl + R. Right-align selected text or objects.
Ctrl + E. Center-align selected text or objects.
Ctrl + J. Justify selected text or objects.
Ctrl + Shift + >. Increase font size.
Ctrl + Shift + <. Decrease font size.
Navigation And Selection Computer Shortcut Keys:
Ctrl + Home. Move to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + End. Move to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Left Arrow. Move one word to the left.
Ctrl + Right Arrow. Move one word to the right.
Ctrl + Up Arrow. Move to the previous paragraph.
Ctrl + Down Arrow. Move to the next paragraph.
Shift + Left Arrow. Select one character to the left.
Shift + Right Arrow. Select one character to the Right.
Shift + Up Arrow. Select the text or object above.
Shift + Down Arrow. Select the text or object below.
Page Layout and Viewing Computer Shortcut Keys:
Ctrl + Enter. Insert a page break.
Ctrl + 1. Single-line spacing.
Ctrl + 2. Double-line spacing.
Ctrl + 5. 1.5 – line spacing.
Ctrl + ]. Increase font size.
Ctrl + [. Decrease font size.
Alt + Shift + D. Insert the current date.
Alt + Shift + T. Insert the current time.
F11. Create a new heading style.

Important Computer Shortcut Keys For MS Excel:

Navigation and Selection:
Ctrl + Home. Move to the beginning of the worksheet.
Ctrl + End. Move to the last cell of the used range in the worksheet.
Ctrl + Arrow Keys. Move to the edge of the current data region in a worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys. Select a range of cells.
Shift + Spacebar. Select an entire row.
Ctrl + Spacebar. Select an entire column.
Ctrl + A. Select the entire worksheet.
Data Entry & Editing:
F2. Edit the active cell.
Enter. Move to the cell below (in a column) or to the right (in a row) after entering data.
Ctrl + Enter. Fill the selected cell range with the entered value.
Ctrl + D. Fill down (copy the value from the cell above to the selected cell range).
Ctrl + R. Fill right (copy the value from the cell to the left to the selected cell range).
Delete. Clear the contents of the selected cells.
Ctrl + Z. Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Y. Redo the last undone action.
Ctrl + B. Apply or remove bold formatting.
Ctrl + I. Apply or remove italic formatting.
Ctrl + U. Apply or remove underlined formatting.
Ctrl + Shift + $. Apply the currency format.
Ctrl + Shift + %. Apply the percentage format.
Ctrl + Shift + #. Apply the data format.
Ctrl + Shift + @. Apply the time format.
Ctrl + Shift + !. Apply the number format with two decimal places.
Formulas & Functions:
Alt + =. Auto sum (sums the range above the active cell).
F4.  Toggle between absolute and relative references in a formula.
F9. Calculate the selected range or the active worksheet.
Shift + F3. Insert function into a formula.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter. Enter an array formula.
Workbook & Worksheet Management:
Ctrl + N. Create a new workbook.
Ctrl + O. Open an existing workbook.
Ctrl + S. Save the current workbook.
Ctrl + P. Print the current workbook.
Ctrl + F6. Switch between open workbooks.
Ctrl + Tab. Switch between worksheets.
Shift + F11. Insert a new worksheet.

Computer Shortcut Keys are effective tools that can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency when using a computer. These shortcut keys make it easier to access crucial features quickly by decreasing the need for mouse movements and menu navigation, which will save you time and effort. Take the time to learn and practice these shortcuts, and you will soon find yourself working more efficiently and getting more done in less time.

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