Suspension of Sri Lanka Cricket Team: A Story of Government Interference

The Suspension Of Sri Lanka Cricket Team: In a shocking turn of events, the International Cricket Council (ICC) has suspended the membership of Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) with immediate effect. This suspension comes as a result of Sri Lanka’s failure to manage its affairs autonomously and prevent government interference in the governance, regulation, and administration of cricket in the country. The ICC Board, composed of representatives from cricket boards around the world, made this decision. It is done in response to recent actions taken by the Sri Lankan government to intervene in the affairs of Sri Lanka Cricket.

The Background Story Of Sri Lanka Cricket Team:

The recent chain of events began when Sri Lanka’s sports minister dismissed the entire cricket board. They installed an interim committee led by World Cup winner Arjuna Ranatunga. This interim committee was subsequently struck down by the courts, and the old board was reinstated. It is worth noting that Sri Lanka’s own sports law grants the government the power to dissolve the governing body of any sport. Nevertheless, the ICC has consistently taken a strong stance against government interference in cricket. Suspension of Zimbabwe in 2019 demonstrates this situation.

Sri Lanka Cricket Team

Allegations And Denials:

As the situation unfolded, Sri Lanka Cricket found itself embroiled in a series of allegations and denials. First, the government accused SLC of mishandling preparations for the Under-19 Cricket World Cup scheduled for January 2024. In response, SLC released a statement vehemently denying these accusations. Subsequently, another allegation surfaced, claiming that SLC had transferred $2 million from its accounts to third-party accounts. Once again, SLC refuted these claims in a separate statement.

The Impact On Sri Lanka Cricket:

World Cup Performance:

These off-field controversies have undoubtedly had an impact on Sri Lanka’s performance in the ongoing ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup. This team had only two wins in nine games. Sri Lanka finished in ninth place after losing their final group game to New Zealand. Their victories came against the Netherlands and defending champions England, with the latter suffering a shock eight-wicket defeat in Bangalore. However, it is worth noting that Sri Lanka’s Angelo Mathews made history during the tournament. He became the first player to be timed out in international cricket. It happened in the match played against Bangladesh.

Consequences Of Suspension:

The immediate consequences of Sri Lanka’s suspension from the ICC are not determined till now. The ICC Board members will meet on November 21 to decide the conditions of the suspension and the future course of action. It is important to note that there are no imminent cricket matches in the schedule of Sri Lanka, with the next domestic tournament that will take place in December. This timing may have been intentionally chosen by the ICC to send a message without severely impacting the cricket activities in the country.

Currently, the Sri Lanka Cricket players are not allowed to play in the Cricket World Cup 2023 matches. They may not be allowed to play any international cricket matches. They can again play the international matches only when the International Cricket Council uplifts the suspension on the team

Response from The Sri Lankan Government For The Team Suspension:

The response from the Sri Lankan government remains uncertain. The ICC’s suspension of Sri Lanka Cricket is a warning to prevent further government interference in the future for other Country’s Cricket teams. The government, currently disunited and with multiple agendas, will need to decide on its course of action. The Sri Lankan cricket team gave very poor performances in all the recent World Cup Cricket Matches. The government’s interest in the affairs of Sri Lanka Cricket may wane over time.

Unique Circumstances And Uncharted Territory:

The suspension of Sri Lanka Cricket marks a significant development in the landscape of international cricket. While interim boards have been established in the past, the ICC has never before imposed such a serious sanction against a member board[^1^]. This unprecedented situation raises questions about the future of cricket governance and the potential role of governments in the affairs of cricketing bodies.


The suspension of Sri Lanka Cricket by the International Cricket Council serves as a stark reminder of the importance of managing cricket affairs autonomously. Any team should avoid the government interference of their country. Sri Lanka’s recent controversies and allegations have cast a shadow over their performance in the International Cricket Council Men’s Cricket World Cup. The response from the Sri Lankan government remains uncertain. The International Cricket Council’s move may be successful in deterring further intervention from the government.

Suspension is common for any team if this mistake happens. As this unique situation unfolds, the world of cricket finds itself in uncharted territory, pondering the balance between cricketing autonomy and external influences. Because of this situation, the Sri Lanka Cricket Team missed its opportunity to play in the Cricket World Cup 2023.

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