
Aaple Sarkar MahaDBT Login

Aaple Sarkar Registration: MahaDBT At MahaOnline Portal

Check Status Using Aaple Sarkar Login: Aaple Sarkar is a one-stop website of the Government of Maharashtra, which offers various online services for different purposes for the citizens of Maharashtra. Any individual, who is a domicile in Maharashtra and needs an income certificate, caste certificate, domicile certificate, or any other important government document, can apply for it online through the Aaple Sarkar Mahaonline Gov In portal.  Aaple Sarkar, you can check the status from the […]

Sharavan Bal Pension Seva Yojana

Senior Citizen Pension Scheme: ShravanBal Seva Yojana

Senior Citizen Pension Scheme: “Shravan Bal Seva Yojana” is Maharashtra’s Senior Citizen Pension Scheme. Shravan Bal Seva Rajya Nivrutti Vetan Yojana Scheme is an old–age pension Scheme. The Maharashtra Government launches this Sharvan Bal Seva Rajya Nivrutti Vetan Yojana Scheme. The Senior Citizen Pension Scheme gives benefits under the Indira Gandhi National old–age pension scheme, which is funded by the Government of India. It is also known as Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana Scheme. This article

Ration Card Maharashtra Banner

Maharashtra E Ration Card Status: Check List, Download

Apply and Check Ration Card Status: In Maharashtra, to get a new ration card, you can apply online, or you can apply directly by going to your nearest ration dealer office. The ration card is not compulsory for every citizen but can be used as identity or address proof. It is also used to avail some of the schemes provided by the government. It allows the cardholders to get the food grains at lesser prices