How to Pay Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr DaryaPur Water Bill?

Pay Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr DaryaPur Water Bill: Just like every month, people living in Daryapur and having MJP-attached Water Meters have to pay MJP Water Bills. DaryaPur is one of the major cities in the Amravati District, with a major share of Water consumption. In Vidardha region, 156 Vrr Daryapur Water Supply is headed by Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran, Amravati Division.

Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran Banner

MJP is a well-known organization for providing technical sanctions & implementation of water supply and sewerage projects and technical support to local bodies in solid waste management and lake conservation.

This article will discuss paying the water bill in Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur using websites and applications like Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran Portal and Google Pay, and also discuss how to apply for the New Water Connection in  Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur.

How to Pay Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur Water Bill using MJP Online Portal?

The following are the steps on how to Pay Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur, Amravati Division water bill using Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran’s official website:

Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran Water With Bill and Without Bill Payment

  • Here you can see two options under ‘Water Bill Payment’.
    • Pay with Bill
    • Pay without Bill
      • Pay With Bill:  
        • If you select ‘Pay With Bill’, the next page (Axis Bank / Easy Pay) will open. Here you have to enter your Consumer No and select Name of the Water Works from the dropdown list and click on the “Validate” button then, you have to enter your URN Number.
        • After that next page opens, here, you can check your bill details and make the water bill payment.
      • Pay Without Bill
        • If you select ‘Pay Without Bill’, the next page (Axis Bank / Easy Pay) will open. Here you have to enter your Consumer Name, select the waterworks from the dropdown list, enter the Amount and Mobile Number, and verify the code given on the screen.
        • Afterward, you must click the “Submit“ button and enter the URN number. On the next page, you can check your bill details and make the payment.

How to Pay MJP 156 Vrr DaryapurWater Bill using Google Pay?

The following are the steps on how to pay Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur Amravati Division water bill using Google Pay.

  • Click on the ‘GooglePay’ icon to open the app on your mobile.
  • Authentic and login into the app and check for the “Bills, Recharges and More” section.
  • Select the ‘Water’ icon under ‘Utility Bills’ in the Payment categories.
  • Scroll or search to find ‘Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur –  Water’.
  • Tap on ‘Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur –  Water’ to pay MJP 156 Vrr Daryapur, Amravati Division Water Bill.
  • 4Next page will open, here, you have to link your account. You must enter ‘MJP 156Vrr Daryapur Consumer Number’ and ‘NickName’ for this.
  • Entering the details, click on ‘Link Account.’
  • After that, check Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur Water Bill Payment Details.
  • Now you can pay Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur Water Bill Payment Online.

Apply for MJP 156 Vrr Daryapur New Water Connection using MAITRI Portal

The following are the steps on how to Apply for New Water Connection in Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran 156 Vrr Daryapur using MAITRI Portal. 

Logging into MAITRI PORTAL:

  • Applicants from Daryapur who need a new water connection must visit the MAITRI portal by typing in the URL in the address bar of the web browser and clicking on the login.
  • You must enter your login credentials (i.e., Username & Password) on the login screen. 

MJP New Water Connection from MAITRI - Login Page - AmtCorp

Quick Tip: If the applicant needs to register on MAITRI, the new registration link must be clicked to complete the registration process.

Application Form Filling and Documents Uploading:

  • After successful login, the dashboard will be displayed. on the left pane, tap ‘CAF and Services’.
  • Click on the services provided.
  • Click on ‘Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation’ to see the list of services under MIDC. You must click the ‘Apply’  button for a new Water connection application.
  • Fill in the required fields such as ‘Water requirement (Cub. Meter/Day)’ and other relevant fields. Click on ‘Save draft & Next’ to proceed.
  • If the plan is approved in BPAMS, the applicant shall select the appropriate BPAMS tracking ID or else for manually approved plans.
  • The applicant shall input the details such as Approval Letter no, Approval Letter Date, and Approved by.
  • Upload the supporting documents, such as Block Plan (Mandatory) and MPCB consent (as necessary), and click next.
  • After receiving the content in the application, click on ‘Submit for Processing’ and make a note of your SWC Application Number.

Payment for New Water Connection in 156 Vrr DaryaPur Amravati Division:

  • Once the application is accepted and successfully processed by MIDC, the user will receive an SMS and Email notification for payment of the Demand Amount to be made online.
  • The payment is to be done in full and within 7 calendar days from the day of notification (SMS / Email) receipt.
  • The applicant must log in to the MAITRI portal to pay online for the demand note.
  • Apply for a new water connection which will redirect to the submitted application.
  • Go to the ‘Charges / Pay Online’ tab on the application. Click on ‘Charge Description’ to view the Demand Note. you can proceed with the online payment by clicking on ‘Pay Online’.
  • Click ‘ Pay online ‘ to proceed with the online payment. The applicant would also receive a mail confirming the payment status details on successful payment.
  • The applicant must click the ‘Charges / Pay Online’ tab to view the payment receipt.
  • Click on the application and check under the Tracking/status tab to see the processing desk details.
  • Approval letter/agreement uploaded by the concerned MIDC authority.
  • You can download/view the approval letter/agreement under this tab.

If you are applying for a food license/driving license, this water bill is used as proof of address. Also, having a water bill reduces your water consumption, which helps reduce water scarcity. If you have any queries related to the Payment of Maharashtra 156 Vrr DaryaPur Water Bill or New Water Connection, please drop us comments.

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